Secretary of State grants Hatfield Peverel Appeal


Consent has recently been granted by the Secretary of State for 140 new homes at Hatfield Perevel, following a complex planning Inquiry during December 2017. In addition to the local authority, the Parish Council and Local Residents Group all had legal representation at the inquiry. From FPCR, Gary Holliday provided landscape and visual evidence and Dr Suzanne Mansfield ecological evidence on behalf of Gladman. The scheme had attracted a wide range of publicity since the application was first made, even featuring on “Countryfile”.

The Secretary of State agreed with the inspectors recommendations and found that “that the development would not be detrimental to any distinctive landscape features and would integrate successfully into the local landscape, and enhance the settlement edge as it appears as a feature in the landscape.”  The Secretary of State endorsed the approach to assessment carried out by the practice confirming that he “sees no reason to disagree with the applicant’s assessment of the effect on landscape character – ‘negligible’ at both years 1 and 10 at national, county and District level, and ‘moderate adverse’ at year 1 reducing to ‘minor/moderate adverse’ at year 10 on very local landscape character

The full decision can be seen here: Hatfield Peverel Appeal Decision