After a long committee meeting, FPCR are happy to hear that reserved matters approval has been granted for 180 dwellings at Cranbrook, Kent, entirely within the High Weald AONB. This has been a long running and complex project for FPCR and is great news for both our Architecture and Landscape teams who have worked closely with Charles Church to create a scheme that meets both the design aspirations of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council in a sensitive location and provides a practical design for the housebuilder.
The scheme includes 63 affordable dwellings designed to reflect the local farmstead character, set amongst a substantial green infrastructure. The landscape proposals include restored Wealden landscape elements such as field ponds, hedgerows and structural woodland.
Building on the outline scheme which was approved in April 2018, the detailed proposals are based on the creation of distinct character areas to help create a strong sense of place. These areas are defined through distinctive built form and materials and close connections with the surrounding structural landscape and areas of open space.