Green Light for Malvern Extension

Plans have been approved for a Sustainable Urban Extension to Malvern, comprising 800 new homes, 10ha of employment land, a local centre, sports facilities and comprehensive green infrastructure.

FPCR undertook the masterplanning for the scheme, for Gleeson Developments and Welbeck Strategic Land. A Design and Access Statement and Parameters Plans were produced to support the outline planning application.

The masterplanning exercise had to overcome various challenges, such as sensitive treatment to the setting of a listed farmhouse, conservation of semi-natural open space for wildlife, and meeting the specific criteria for the site allocation, as set out in the Local Plan.

The masterplan incorporates a ‘Central Green Spine’ to retain views to the Malvern Hills AONB. Development plots are set within a network of multi-functional green corridors, comprising retained and proposed landscape features, such as ponds, hedgerows and tree planting.

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