Colney Heath – Greenfield, Green Belt site approved at Appeal

We are thrilled that a proposed residential development at Colney Heath has been approved at inquiry. The site straddles Welwyn and St Albans Council Areas, both of which have very old Local Plans. The scheme of up to 100 dwellings, comprising 45% affordable and 10% self-build, was recently approved at appeal, with the inspector citing very special circumstances due to the acute housing delivery shortages and critical affordable housing need. FPCR covered the landscape, ecology and arboricultural aspects of the scheme, with Gary Holliday giving evidence at the appeal, providing expertise in Landscape and openness of the Green Belt.

The inspector agreed that the site possessed an edge of settlement character and the scheme would only result in a localised impact on the Green Belt. The inspector also noted that with the implementation of an appropriate landscape scheme, the effects would be significantly reduced over time.

Colney Heath Appeal Decision